
12 SDG targets (out of 13) strongly impacted by digital technologies


Ensure healthy lives
and promote well-being for all ages

Achieving better health outcomes by leveraging digital solutions

Power of digital

Digital solutions in the areas of telemedicine and digital health registers are among the innovative solutions for good health and well-being, with leapfrog opportunities for developing countries to ease access to medical services and information


  • Improve access to health services via telemedicine solutions
  • Increase accuracy and extent of health information publicly available via digital channels
  • Leverage digital technologies to improve supply-chain management of medicines, therapeutics, and medical devices

Potential risks & digital harms

  • Data privacy violations
  • Exclusion of people with low levels of (digital) literacy
  • Worsening mental health outcomes due to misuse of digital technologies


Countries implemented

Featured solutions


DHIS2 is a web-based platform for collecting, analysing, visualizing and sharing information on health, and for data management in education. Data can be entered online or offline, by web browser, Android app, SMS or direct importation

Examples of countries implemented

Haiti, Honduras, Uganda, Sri Lanka, and The Gambia

Power of digital

  1. Huge data-storage capacity
  2. Customized implementation for local needs and country ownership
  3. Flexible design, well-suited for various other applications
“Now, at a glance, we know the number of vaccines used,
where the gaps are and how to channel the vaccines to where they are most needed”

Jirgi Hosea B, HMIS Officer, Kaduna State, Ministry of Health, Nigeria


countries implemented


OpenIMIS is a versatile open-source software that supports the administration of health and employment injury insurance, social cash transfers, and voucher schemes. It is designed to manage their complex, high-volume data flows and proven to scale to national contexts

Examples of countries implemented

Bangladesh, Cameroon, Chad, DRC, Gambia, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Nepal, Tanzania, and Zambia

Power of digital

  1. Accessibility due to open-source licensing and diverse community of practice
  2. Implements internationally accepted standards for data exchange, making it interoperable
  3. Designed for a variety of social protection programmes and easily adaptable to other areas
“Our mission is to ensure that our open-source community continually improves the software and its applicability to efficiently manage social protection schemes”
openIMIS mission statement